5 Best Importance of Activated Charcoal Odor Absorber Bags in Home.
Activated Charcoal Odor Absorber Bags

5 Best Importance of Activated Charcoal Odor Absorber Bags in Home.

5 Best Importance of Activated Charcoal Odor Absorber Bags in Home.

Did you know that an activated charcoal acts as an odor remover element? Activated Charcoal is supposedly the best eco-friendly natural odor absorbers substance which is scientifically proven to reduce harmful air impurities. They are made with environmentally-friendly, micro-porous activated bamboo charcoal which contains millions of tiny porous holes that naturally absorb odors and excess moisture present in the air creating a healthy atmosphere in your home. Another important feature is that it acts like an air purifier since it prevents mold and bacteria formation by absorbing excess moisture in the air. To keep your surroundings smelling clean and fresh, natural purifying odor removal bags is the best product available in the market today.

Charcoal Odor Removal Bags

These air purifying bags are the perfect fit for cars, closets, gym bags, bathrooms and is a pet friendly product. These odor removing bags are made with 100% activated charcoal and come in different shapes and sizes for different area spaces. They continuously work to absorb and remove odors and harmful pollutants present in the air and maintain a fresh, dry and odor free environment. Therefore, the most convenient, pocket friendly and safest solution to keep your home free from any kind of unpleasant smell is to invest in an air purifying odor removal bag.

How to Use?

Place the bag where you feel odors are the most concerned place and start feeling the difference in a span of 2- 3 hours. Pro Tip: You must place the charcoal bag where the air flow is maximum for effective results.

Where all can be used?

The charcoal bags can be placed anywhere indoors to eliminate odors like in the wardrobes or closets, in gym bags, shoe racks and shoes , restrooms, pet houses as it is pet friendly, and can also be used in refrigerators & any enclosed spaces.

What can all it remove?

Odors ,Mold, Moisture, Allergens and other toxic gases present in the air

How to Re-Use it?

With simple maintenance these natural odor eliminating bags are reusable for up to two years which is the total cost involved to maintain a fresh, dry and no-odor environment. Once a week, place your bag outside in sunlight. The UV rays from the sun will clear out the pores of the charcoal and make it re-active again for better performances.

How to Recycle?

After two years of usage, the charcoal bag can be recycled adding it to the garden area. All you need to do is cut open the bag and sprinkle the charcoal into the soil. This helps plants to absorb moisture and nutrients. This completes its life cycle as a product that comes from the earth and ultimately gives back to the earth. Therefore, activated Charcoal also acts as a good soil conditioner.

Hence, these bags are safe, non-toxic and easily available at a good pocket friendly price.

It’s time to get rid of the stinky odors indoors and purify your home with clean and fresh air!

100% non-toxic, chemical and fragrance free odor eliminator charcoal bag for your small indoor spaces.


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