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Product Air Purifying Bags

Odor removal bags for your small indoor spaces.

Helps you maintain a fresh, odor-free environment.

Can last over 3 years

Can last over 3 years

Covers upto 14 metre square

Covers upto 14 metre square



Long Lasting Freshness


Using AirOK Natural odor removal bags inside your car cabins can remove food smell, cigarette smell along with the other bad odors that infiltrate your car. It will help you breathe fresh air while you are on board and make your trips memorable.

AirOK Natural odor removal bags in restrooms help remove bad odors that emit mold, fungi and bacteria. It helps maintain an odor-free, fresh environment in your restrooms without adding toxic fragrance.

These purifying bags do not mask the dreadful smell, it eliminates them. The complex structure of the material and unique odor eliminator properties ensures no more musty smell in your wardrobe.

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